SFR Portfolio
83 addresses
Wilmington, NC
Multi-family and single family rental units near downtown Wilmington.
We purchased 83 individual addresses consisting primarily of single family rental units, and a few multifamily units. The properties were held for several years, rents were raised, and then the properties were sold in bulk.
Key Points
Detail83 Homes
CoC Yield 16%
Return/year 87%
Equity Mltpl 2.75X
Resale $6.3M
Investment Summary
Initial equity$980,000
Purchase price$4,900,000
Total cost$4,900,000
Resale price$6,300,000
Gross profit on resale$1,400,000
Number years held2
CoC yield16%
Equity multiple2.75X
Appreciation p/year71.43%
Return p/year87.43%
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